Content of the Volume 23.
Bagi, I.: Cenological relations of mud vegetation of a hypertrophic lake in thee Tiszaalpár basin.
Pujin, V. and Ratajac, R.: Structure and dynamics of zooplanktonin the dead Theiss.
Djukic, N. : Eutrophication of the dead Theiss indicated by Oligochaeta.
Szitó, A. and Botos, M.: Macrozoobenthos in the river Tisza and its influents.
Csépai, F. and Waijandt, J.: Heavy metal content in the branchiae of some Tisza-river fish.
Budakov, Lj.: Fecundity of Esox lucius L. in the Tisza river.
From the life of Tisza-research working committee, which has become international. Dr. Dániel Gál.
Mikes, M.: Tisza-research conference XVIII (1987).
Bagi, I. (1988): Cenological relations of mud vegetation of a hypertrophic lake in thee Tiszaalpár basin. – Tiscia 23, 3-12.
Abstract. The paper deals with
the description of mud vegetation of a meander lake found in the
area of the contemplated Alpár Reservoir. It has a floristical
importance because it describes a new habitat of Eleocharis
ovata in the Great Hungarian Plain. A cenological
characterization of mud vegetation is wen as well for the stands
of Eleocharis ovata in the Tisza Valley not described
The stands of Eleocharis ovata can be regarded as a
considerably modified Eleocharito-Caricetum bohemicae
association, influenced in its cenological structure by the high
nutrient content of the sediment of the Lake. Modification of
the cenological structure is caused by the strong competitive
ability of the Bidentetea (incl. Ranunculetum scelerati
and Polygono-Bidentetum species.
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Parabucski, S., Stojanovic, S., Butorac, B., Vuckovic, M., Pekanovic, V., Crncevic, S. and Bózsa, P. (1988): Vegetation of the lower Tisza river. – Tiscia 23, 13-19.
Abstract. The preliminary results on the recent autochthonous vegetation of the lower part of the Tisa river are presented. The investigations included forest, marsh, meadow, and meadow-steppe vegetation types.
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Kojcic, K., Pujin, V. and Bugarski, R. (1988): Changes of some physico-chemical and saprobiologic characteristics in the lower course of Theiss in the period 1980-1986. – Tiscia 23, 21-28.
Abstract. The researches of the lower course of the river Theiss in the period 1980-1986 point to certain changes in the physico-chemical and saprobiologic characteristics of water, in relation to earlier data. The erection of the dam at Novi Becej and on the Danube (Djerdap) has slowed down the lower course of the river Theiss. During the research, changes in the oxygen regime have been noticed. The average values of diluted oxygen decreased by 7%, and the values of BOD5 increased by about 10 %. Regarding other parameters, the concentration of ammonium ion increased, especially in the winter months. The saporobity index according to Pantle-Buck up to the year 1983 was mainly within the limits of betamezosaprobity, while in recent years points to transition towards betaalfaa-mezosaprobity.
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Matavulj, M., Gajin, S., Erbeznik, M., Bokorov, M. and Petrovic, O. (1988): Phosphatase activity of water as a parameter of the river Tisza water monitoring. – Tiscia 23, 29-36.
Abstract. In this paper the results of microbiological and
enzymologicaI examination of the Yugoslav part of the river Tisa water are
presented. During the period from 1983 to 1986 the water of five localities was
Classical microbiological parameters, such as total number of planktonic
bacteria, number of heterotrophic bacteria, and T/H index of saprobity (the
ratio between the total number of planktonic bacteria and the number of
heterotrophic bacteria), being conventionally used as indicators of the level of
saprobity of surface freshwaters, were compared with the index of phosphatase
activity, a new indicator of the water eutrophication degree.
Statistically significant correlation between classical microbiological and the
new biochemical indicator of organic load of the river Tisa affirms the index of
phosphatase activity as a reliable parameter for a fast preliminary estimation
of the saprobity degree of surface freshwaters.
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Gajin, S., Gantar, M., Matavulj, M., Obrecht, Z. and Erbeznik, M. (1988): The dominant bacterioflora in the water of the river Tisza and the Mrtva Tisza (Yugoslavia). – Tiscia 23, 37-42.
Abstract. During 1987 the
dominant microflora of the river Tisa and the Mrtva Tisa was
investigated. The result obtained indicate that the
bacterioplankton of waters analyzed had far better conditions
for count expression on media being poorer in nutrient contents
than on standard nutrient agar.
In this respect, when using microbiological parameters as
indicators of surface water quality we also recommend
determination of number of the dominant, i.e. oligotrophic
microflora of surface water. For this component of
bacteriopIankton both per se and in relation to viable count
gives important information about the conditions of water
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Pujin, V. (1988): Developments in the composition of biocenosis in the lower Tisza river (Yugoslavia), caused by hydrological changes. – Tiscia 23, 43-49.
Abstract. The construction of the Hydroelectric Power Plant
on the Danube and the dam on the Tisa at Novi Becej have slowed
down the flow of the river, thus causing certain changes in
physical and chemical properties and in the composition of
biocenoses. The saturation of oxygen decreased, BOD5
increased as well as the concentration of ammonia ion,
particularly in winter months.
In the composition of zooplankton, the number of Rotatoria
species increased, as well as population densities of the
dominant species. In the bottom fauna, the dominant group is
Oligochaeta, represented by 10-16 species belonging to families
Naidae and Tubificidae. There have also been certain changes in
the composition of ichthyofauna. There is less sterlet, more
predatory fishes and carp and generally less other fish.
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Pujin, V. and Ratajac, R. (1988): Structure and dynamics of zooplanktonin the dead Theiss. – Tiscia 23, 51-59.
Abstract. The dead Theiss Curug-Biserno ostrvo represents a
branch of the river Theiss, created after the cutting of the
river bed in the last century. In the period 1983-1987, the
structure and dynamics of the zooplankton in this ecosystem,
important for fishing, were investigated. In the stated period
in the structure of zooplankton, a total number of 80 species
were ascertained, out of which 16 Protozoa (20%), 43 Rotatoria
(53,75%), 13 Cladocera (16,2%) and 8 Copepoda (10%). The most
frequent species out of Rotatoria belong to the genera
Branhionus, Keratella and Polyarthra. These genera
make the most represented genera also in other waters of the
Pannonian basin. It may be of interest to mention the presence
of the species Liliferotrocha subtilis, appearing more
and more frequently, not being recorded earlier. Out of
Cladoceras, most frequently are present the species Bosmina
longirostris, Daphnia cuculata and D. longissima, while
of Copepodas Eudiaptomus gracilis and Thermocyclops
The number of species varies yearly and seasonally. The largest
number is in the summer period. The quantitative structure is
also variable yearly and seasonally. The largest values were
recorded in the year 1984, 6.730 ind. dm-3
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Djukic, N. (1988): Eutrophication of the dead Theiss indicated by Oligochaeta. – Tiscia 23, 61-64 .
Abstract. The study of oligochaete communities in the dead Theiss in the period 1983-1987 shows a very rapid process of eutrophication in this stagnant tributary. On the base of average percentage presence of oligochaete, it is clearly visible that dominant are eutrophic species, such as: Limnodrilus sp., L. hoffmeisteri, L. claparedeanus, L. udekemianus and Potamothrix hammoniensis characterizing their environment as eutrophic. At the same time the number of individuals and their biomass have the tendency of expressive increase, which is the characteristic of eutrophic waters.
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Szitó, A. and Botos, M. (1988): Macrozoobenthos in the river Tisza and its influents. – Tiscia 23, 65-75.
Abstract. In the studied section
of the Tisza, the Oligochaets and the Chironomids were the
dominant species of the macrozoobenthos, and the population
density of Oligochaets was higher than that of Chironomid
larvae. From the 14 Oligochaet species the Tubifex nowaensis was
found in the channel line of Tisza, and Limnodrilus species and
the Branchiura sowerbyi in the coastal zone.
From the 21 Chironomid species, Chironomus fluviatilis,
Harnischia fuscimanus and Polypedilum intermedius
were dominant. During the present studies seven new Chironomid
species were found in the Hungarian fauna. The numbers of
species in the Oligochaet communities of Tisza decreased in the
late years, but the Chironomid communities became richer, mainly
because of occurrence of limnophyl species.
In the influents loaded with sewages (Sajó, Zagyva) only the
Oligochaet species remain vital. The influence of industrial and
communal sewages results in decrease of invertebrate fauna of
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Popovic, E. and Mikes, M. (1988): Infestation of tailless amphibians of genus Rana by trematodes in the valley of the Tisza river (Yugoslavia). – Tiscia 23, 77-85.
Abstract. On a section comprising the territory of Becej and Ecka a parasitological search has been carried out in 13 hosts of the species Rana esculenta and 9 individuals of the species Rana ridibunda. Almost the same extensity of invadedness in both species of frogs has been stated (77.8 % and 76.9 %), while the specimens of the species Rana ridibunda have shown a greater intensivity of infestation. Nine species of trematodes have been defined: Diplodiscus subclavatus GOETE, Gorgodera cygnoides ZEDER, Haematoloechus (Pneumonoeces) variegatus RUDOLPHI, Haematoloechus (Pneumonoeces) schulzei WUNDSCH, Opisthyoglyphe ranae FRÖLICH, Cephalogonimus retusus DUJARDIN, Pleurogenoides medians OLSSON, Prosotocus confusus Looss and Pleurogenes claviger RUDOLPHI.
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Tallósi, B. and Sekulic, R. (1988): The Carabidae (Coleoptera) fauna on the sodic soils of the Tisza valley (Yugoslavia). – Tiscia 23, 87-95.
Abstract. An investigation of the
Carabid fauna present in a solonetz-type soil was conducted in
the period 1984-1986. The experimental site was located on the
left bank of the Tisza River, near the village of Kumane, in the
western part of the region of Barat.
Fifty-five species from 22 genera were registered. According to
the z.oogeographical distribution, there predominated the
species with a wide area of distribution (Palearctic,
Euro-Siberian species). As the species whose area of
distribution is located south or southeast of the examined
region were present in a significant portion (33 percent), it
may be concluded that the examined region is a transitive area
between the typical European fauna and Oriental-Baltian, i.e.
Mediterranean fauna.
A large number of the registred species (40 percent) are regular
members of agrobiocoenoses of Vojvodina Province. Harpalus
aeneus (FABRICNS), Harpalus pygmaeus DEJEAN,
Poecilus puncticollis (DEJEAN), Harpalus distinguendus
(DUFTSCHMID), and Harpalus serripes (QUENSEL) are the
dominant species comprising more than two thirds of the
specimens caught. The dominant and subdominant species (17 of
them) comprise 86 percent of the total collected materials while
the remaining 38 species take only 14 precent of the total
registered specimens.
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Csépai, F. and Waijandt, J. (1988): Heavy metal content in the branchiae of some Tisza-river fish. – Tiscia 23, 97-105.
Abstract. The authors studied the
Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg content in the branchiae of 132 fish from
18 species with atomic absorption and microscopic histology
method. Random caught fish were divided into five groups
according to thier alimentation habits. In the result of
examinations the Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd and Hg concentration in the
branchiae exhibited a decreasing order from Zn to Hg.
It was established by the authors that the examined metals,
harmful for the environment, were not contained in the branchiae
in a concentration warning of an acute danger, likewise the
metal concentration of the Tisza river is relatively low: it
does not reach neither the Hungarian, nor the international
limit values. Knowing the metal content in the branchiae and on
the basis of data in literature deductions could be made on the
present quality of fish, which, as it could be stated,
corresponds to the reguirements of alimentation hygiene from the
point of view of the amount of metal ion concentration.
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Budakov, Lj. (1988): Fecundity of Esox lucius L. in the Tisza river. – Tiscia 23, 107-114.
Abstract. On the basis of collected material from 1980 to 1983 analysis of absolute and relative fecundity in relation to standard length, body mass and age, was done. In order to achieve this goal 73 mature female individuals were analysed. Also, correlation coefficient was estimated and very prominent individual variatons were noticed. Absolute fecundity was from 9495 to 114 205 and relative fecundity from 21.73 to 57.96 number of eggs. The average of absolute fecundity were largest in the groups of individuals with the largest values of body mass, body length and in the oldest age groups. The average values of relative fecundity were the highest in the groups of individuals characterized with small body mass, body length and age. All these data were calculated using the expression: log F=a log x+b. Variations between real and calculated values of above mentioned parameters for absolute fecundity are directed to real values and for relative fecundity to calculated values.
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Kostic, D. and Maletin, S. (1988): Arrangement and number of radial channels on the scales of prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) from the dead Theiss - Biserno Ostrvo. – Tiscia 23, 115-122.
Abstract. The number and arrangement of radial channels is an important taxonomic character, helpful in determining the species, especially the natural hybrids frequent with fish. It is of a great importance to konw the radial channels when analysing the intestinal content of adephagans, where frequently scales of different fish can be found. The material for this work consisted of 177 specimens of Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio BLOCH), from the Dead Theiss. The number of primary and secondary radial channels on the oral and caudal sides of scales was analysed, in relation to age, standard length and mass, in order to determine which channels and on which side of the scales vary the least, this being the most stable taxnomic character. The variation of primary and secondary radial channels is less on the caudal, than on the oral side of scales. The most stable is the number of primary radial channels on the caudal side of scales, while most variable is the number of secondary radial channels on the oral side of scales.
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Maletin, S. and Kostic, D. (1988): The growth of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) in the dead Theiss. – Tiscia 23, 123-129.
Abstract. In order to increase
the total production in carp fish ponds in Vojvodina, in the
mid-seventies, some species of phytophagous fish from the
so-called Chinese complex were introduced. At that time the
silver carp (H. molitrix) got into open waters and in
this new extended areal shows a successful adaptation manifested
in growth both in length and body mass and its condition (fattening
coeflicient). The analysed samples were caught in a stagnant
water type river lake (Dead Theiss - Biserno Ostrvo) during the
period 1983-1985. The fish reached these waters by planting.
They belong to age categories 2+ to 4+, having a body mass of
1,465-3,513 g. and standard length of 391-572 mm. The sex ratio
in this water basin is 1:1, and the mean value of fattening
coefficient is 2.06. The calculated values of growth show an
intensive growth at all ages, especially in the first three
years (age 0+ to 2+) where the relative increase is 118 resp. 56
%. The growth of treated samples does not fall at all behind the
growth of samples from the natural areal, showing a successful
adaptation of this allochton species in this part of extended
areal, where they have good living conditions (sufficient water
and food during the year, a stable temperature and oxygen regime
and an optimal pH).
Anon. (1988): From the life of Tisza-research working committee, which has become international. Dr. Dániel Gál.– Tiscia 23, 131-132.
Mikes, M. (1988): Tisza-research conference XVIII (1987). – Tiscia 23, 133-139.