Content of the Volume 35.
Makra, O.: Checklist of the associations of the Hungarian section of Tisza basin
Domokos, T. and Váncsa, K.: Malacofaunistical and ecological data from the Troas valley
Bába, K.: The terrestrial malacofauna of the valley of river Tisza and its tributaries
Gallé, R and Fehér, B.: Edge effect on spider assemblages
Harka, Á.: Changes in the fish fauna of the River Tisza
Makra, O. and Zalatnai, M.: Vegetation types of mosaic-complexes in the Middle-Tisza region
Szitó, A. and Györffy, Gy.: Data to the macrozoobenthos of backwater "Gyálai Holt-Tisza"
Bába, K. (2006): Living gastropod species collected from bird feathers
Erdős, L., Márkus, A. and Körmöczi, L. (2005): Consequences of an extirpation trial of the tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) on rock grasslands and slope steppes. - Tiscia 35, 3-7
Abstract. Szársomlyó Hill is a valuable nature reserve, where the tree of heaven has expanded its area in the last decades. In 2003 and 2004, the Directorate of the Duna-Dráva National Park conducted a study aiming the eradication of Ailanthus altissima. In two grassland communities of the southern hillside, all Ailanthus individuals were treated with foliar spray in 15 experimental plots. Two herbicides were applied in four solvents.
The method was successful only on less then half of the treated individuals. The plots with higher Ailanthus density must receive repeated treatments. Despite the careful spraying, natural vegetation suffered considerable changes in total cover, and moderate alteration of the species composition. A year after the treatment, the regeneration of the grasslands is obvious.
Keywords: Ailanthus altissima,
Banvel 480S, Garlon 4E, invasion, Szársomlyó, Villány Hills.
Makra, O. (2005): Checklist of the associations of the Hungarian section of Tisza basin. - TISCIA 35, 9-16
Abstract. The paper presents a checklist of the terrestrial and aquatic plant associations along the river Tisza and its tributaries. The natural and semi-natural associations are in focus. Within the terrestrial vegetation units, the associations under natural disturbation of floods and those outlying the dams with remains of the natural or semi-natural species-composition from the former floodplain woods and marches are listed, too. In most cases the reconsideration of the associations mentioned in the literature was carried out according to Borhidi (2004). Checking 43 papers from 1930-ies till the present, I listed 111 plant communities.
Keywords: plant associations,
Tisza river
Domokos, T. and Váncsa, K. (2005): Malacofaunistical and ecological data from the Troas valley. - Tiscia 35, 17-26
Abstract. Detailed studies on the malacofauna of the Mureş River valley were initiated in the summer of 2000. Till 2002 14 sites were sampled on the flood-plain of the Mureş and in the adjacent territories. However, complex ecological statements require the knowledge of the whole malacofauna of the Mureş drainage area. As a first step data were gathered from the valleys of the Troaş and Dumbroviţa streams. These sites, when compared to the other sites sampled so far, yielded numerous precious taxa which are under protection in the neighboring countries.
Thus the publication of these data is especially important, because no surveys on the malacofauna of this region have been carried out so far. Even professor Grossu in his grand comprehensive work Gastropoda Romaniae does not mention the malacofauna of the Zărand Mountains.
The topographical and hydrological conditions of the sampling sites, in total 10, are depicted on 4 figures. The list of species found is published in 4 tables.
In the 9th site of the Troas valley, sampling was carried out along a transect, so the different habitats and species identified are depicted on separate figures. The differences between the ecological groups present in the biotopes are visualized via bar-charts.
Finally, data of these transect were compared with the data of another transect with the same character, took of in the verge of the Sălciva village on the Zam-Pass in 2001.
Keywords: Mollusk fauna, Troas
valley, malacofaunistical transect, Carpathian species.
Bába, K. (2006): The terrestrial malacofauna of the valley of river Tisza and its tributaries. - Tiscia 35, 27-35
Abstract: This work presents the results of the area-analytical zoogeographic analyses carried out by the author on the Mollusc fauna of river Tisza and its tributaries, on the basis of his own works and also utilizing data from other researchers, sampled at 18 sites along the rivers, with samples taken from the Romanian parts as well in case of three streams. 88 species have come to light from the Hungarian parts of the rivers along with 65 species collected at the Romanian side respectively. Factors like species distribution, the percentages of the Continental and Sub-Atlantic fauna circles are largely dependent on such components as the average annual precipitation, the stream velocity and the degree of vegetation cover (forestation) reflected in the proportion of shady and open areas. This is clearly reflected in the distributions of the 115 species examined.
Keywords: zoogeographic
classification, Continental and Sub-Atlantic fauna circles,
Tisza valley
Gallé, R and Fehér, B. (2006): Edge effect on spider assemblages. - Tiscia 35, 37-40
Abstract. In the Great Hungarian Plain we collected 3234 adult spiders belonging to 66 species in a poplar forest, its clearing and the nearby grassland. Titanoeca psammophila Wunderlich, 1993 occurred in the samples which is new for the Hungarian fauna.
Correspondence analysis showed similarity between the spider assemblages of the wind grooves and those of the clearing.
We applied also correspondence analysis on the data of pitfall traps arranged in transects to locate the edge zone. Higher plant and spider diversity were found in edge zone. Mantel test showed significant correlation between changes of the vegetation and the spider assemblages.
Keywords: diversity, vegetation pattern,
Araneae, community, sandy habitat
Szepesszentgyörgyi, Á. and Rentsendorj, O. (2006): Seasonal changes in the mosquito fauna (Diptera, culicidae) in the city of Szeged in 1999. - Tiscia 35, 41-47
Abstract. Authors systematically investigated the Culicidae fauna in Szeged in 1999, with regard to quantitative and qualitative aspects of the mosquito species living in the city following disturbance of their natural habitat by insecticidal treatment. The main species observed in Szeged were Culex pipiens (46.9%), Culex modestus (10.1%) and Aëdes vexans (10.1%). In the course of the mosquito season, the species composition changed at the different sampling sites. Different mosquito assemblages were observed in Szeged than those along the flood area of the River Tisza. After insecticidal treatment, Aëdes species may immigrate from other habitats. The investigation revealed a species not reported previously in Szeged: Anopheles hyrcanus Pallas, 1771.
Keywords: mosquito assemblages,
disturbed habitat, density, multivoltine
Ozkan, N. and Camur-Elipek, B. (2006): The dynamics of Chironomidae larvae (Diptera) and the water quality in Meric River (Edirne/Turkey). - Tiscia 35, 49-54
Abstract. The dynamics of Chironomidae (Diptera) larvae and some physicochemical features of water were investigated in Meric River (Edirne/Turkey) from September 1995 to August 1996. Also, the relation between the number of larvae and physicochemical parameters as studied.
The larval Chironomidae fauna was found to be 498 individuals in per m2 for 65 different species. Polypedilum scalaenum was determined to be dominant.
According to Shannon-Wiener diversity index Meric River had diversity 1.23. Furthermore, according to Pearson correlation index, water temperature (r = +0.71, P<0.05), pH (r = +0.61, P<0.05) and Chloride (r = +0.61, P<0.05) had direct proportional while NO2-N (r = -0.73, P<0.05) had inverse proportional with the number of larvae.
Key words: Chironomidae larvae,
Meric, Maritza, Evros, River.
Balázs, E. and Györffy, Gy. (2006): Investigation of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis Linnaeus, 1758) population living in a backwater near the river Tisza, Southern Hungary. - Tiscia 35, 55-64
Abstract. A European pond turtle population living in a polluted backwater has been investigated since 2002. Turtles were collected with steel cage-traps and then this marked and measured. The average population size estimated by the Frequency of Capture method was 1,187 and by the Petersen-Schnabel method 740, and the density of the population was 142-228 turtles/hectare or 569-913 turtles/km respectively. The sex ratio was near 1:1. The differences between sexes and the distributions of size classes of the following morphological traits were investigated: tail length, shell height, plastron length and width, carapace length and width, and body mass. The turtle population was in good condition based on the correspondence of its body mass to its carapace length. Out of the 458 specimens captured in 2002, 29 males and 54 females were injured, and 65 (33 males and 32 females) had shell abnormalities.
Key words:,
capture-recapture, Frequency of Capture method,
Petersen-Schnabel method, population size, morphology,
sex ratio, body size, condition, Gyálai Holt-Tisza, Hungary.
Harka, Á. (2006): Changes in the fish fauna of the River Tisza. - Tiscia 35, 65-72
Abstract. The slow transformation of a fauna is a natural phenomenon, but changes over the past 150 years in the River Tisza basin have primarily been the result of human intervention. Factors significantly affecting the structure of fish communities and species are as follows: (1) regulation of rivers to control floods, (2) canalization of rivers, construction of dams and reservoirs, (3) introduction of exotic species, (4) pollution of rivers, (5) increase in water temperature.
Actually number of fish species living in the River Tisza is most probably 68 (in the watershed 70), of which 80% is native, 20% has been introduced. All the species contribute to the unique value of the fish fauna, endemic species in the Tisza watershed, however, deserve special attention: Scardinius racovitzai was found and identified exclusively in the thermal pond of Băile Episcopeşti (Püspökfürdő), Romania, on the left bank of the River Crişul Repede (Sebes-Körös). Another unique species is the quasi-endemic Carpathian lamprey (Eudontomyzon danfordi), present outside the watershed only in the upper stretch of the neighbouring River Timis (Temes). This species lived in a number of streams earlier, but has by now disappeared from many places.
Key words: watershed of Danube,
regulation of rivers, canalization of rivers, introduction of
fishes, pollution of rivers, global warming
Makra, O. and Zalatnai, M. (2006): Vegetation types of mosaic-complexes in the Middle-Tisza region. - Tiscia 35, 73-84
Abstract. After the water regulation along the Middle-Tisza region, the area of the semi-natural wetlands decreased and the vegetation strongly fragmentized. Semi-natural habitats which still survived are thus of high conservation importance.
The goal of the study was to survey the recent characteristic vegetation types of the region of the inundated flood area and the protected floodplain outside the dike. The examined site was a habitat-complex close to Rákóczifalva. It is unique in this region because the semi-natural patch-mosaic extended to the flood protected side ensuring between-habitat connections on both parts of the floodplain. We surveyed 6 habitats of a semi-natural zonation-complex, 2 forest stands of native tree species and a hybrid poplar plantation in the region of Csataszög. In forests and grasslands phytocoenological relevčs were made. The evaluation of the vegetation was performed on the basis of their naturalness by using Simon's nature conservation ranks of the Hungarian vascular plants (NCR), Borhidi's classification of the Hungarian vascular plants (social behaviour types SBT) and the relative ecological indicator values by Borhidi. The phytocoenological relevés were analyzed by PCA. Temporal changes of the vegetation in landscape level during the last 200 years were examined using historical maps and aerial photographs. We completed the recent vegetation map of the area at Rákóczifalva and compared with that by Timár (1952). Later map is first published in this paper.
Keywords: Middle-Tisza region,
vegetation, habitat map, landscape history
Szitó, A. and Györffy, Gy. (2006): Data to the macrozoobenthos of backwater "Gyálai Holt-Tisza" - Tiscia 35, 85-87
Abstract. The total area of the investigated backwater was 160 hectares. Individual density and species composition were investigated in 24 sampling places. Deep sediment was characteristic for all backwater areas. The species richness was as follows: Oligochaeta 2, Isopoda 1, Trichoptera 1, Chironomids 10, fly larva 1 (Syrphidae), and ceratopogonids. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri was dominant and the most abundant, its individual density changed between 0 and 3475/m2, which indicated the hard degradation of the backwater. We suspected temporary oxygen depletion in such areas, where Oligochaete were absent during the propagation period. The bivoltine Diptera and Trichoptera species only populated the different areas of backwater temporarily, their individual density depended on the oxygen quantity of the sediment/water line. The area of the backwater is highly degraded. The species number increased from the northern to the southern part because of the different utilisation of the area in the past and present.
Keywords: backwater,
macrozoobenthos, evaluation of ecological stage
Bába, K. (2006): Living gastropod species collected from bird feathers. - Tiscia 35, 89-91
9 aquatic gastropods and 3 undetermined gastropod eggs were
found in the feathers of 9 bird species collected as part of the
25 year-bird capture work of Dr. József Rékási and the
preparator works of József Siprikó. So far no definite
conclusions could have been made regarding the expansion of the
aquatic gastropods via the transportation of birds by a simple
comparison of the distributional areas of the birds and the
gastropods collected. This requires further
investigations via the recapturing of ringed birds.