Content of the Volume 21.
Kovács, A. and Mészáros, M.: Tisza water, as irrigation water, polluted with various compounds.
Fodor, S. S. and Jancó, L. I.: Helianthus decapetalus L. in the Tisza river basin.
Kovács, S. T.: Data to the knowledge on the Lepidoptera fauna at Bodrogzug.
Legány, A.: Ornithological investigations at the area of the Kisköre water basin (Tisza II).
Molnár, Gy.: Data to the phenology of starling (Sturnus v. vulgaris L. 1758).
Kovács, K. (1986): Seasonal composition, biomass and primary productivity of the phytoplankton in Lakitelek backwater during 1980 and 1983. – Tiscia 21, 3-12.
Abstract. Seasonal variations in the species composition and biomass of the phytoplankton were studied in the northern region of the backwater of the River Tisza in the nature reserve at lakitelek. Samples for the investigations were collected at monthly intervals at three sampling stations at equal intervals. The biomass and density of the phytoplankton were measured on the basis of lotal algal counts. Temporal similarities in phytoplankton associations were evaluated via hierarchical cluster analyis. Primary production rates in relation to solar radiation were estimated with the oxygen light-dark bottle method.
The results indicate that the tendencies of the algal communities to undergo compositional changes were the same throughout the backwater during the period studied. However, there were obvious differences between the species compositions during periods ranging from October to March and from July to September. The winter phytoplankton was dominated by species of Chrysophyceae and Pyrrophyta, while in the late spring collections Euglenophyta and Cyanophyceae were the most frequent. In summer the small·bodied (<10 µm) green algae (mainly Chlorococcales) were the most abundant. Diatoms (Centrales) were present in high individual numbers throughout the year.
The seasonal distribution pattern of the biomass showed three distinct peaks: the first maximum between December and February (16-26 mg/l), the second in Mayor June (6-10 mg/l) and the third in September or October (8-39 mg/l). As concern the primary production rates measured in 1981, eutrophic, polytrophic and hypertrophic subregions were differentiated in the backwater at Lakitelek.
Bagi, I. and Körmöczi, L. (1986): Studies on the vegetation dynamics of Nanocyperion communities II. Classification and ordination of species. – Tiscia 21, 13- 24.
Abstract. On the basis of the reciprocal averaging ordination studies on the speci1es of the Nanocyperion-like cenoses, similarly to the ordination of the stands, the population of the Nanocyperion zone at tbe river-bed can be separated in two manners: interior primary succession characteristic to the lower relieves and exterior primary succession characteristic to the higher relieves. The development of the mean characteristic indicator values can be evaluated as the regular concomitant of these processes. The results of the ordination and the applied cluster analysis are well comparable. The development of the clusters shows connection with the distribution of the cenoses in time and space, i.e. with the vegetation dynamics of the river-bed's mud vegetation.
Kovács, A. and Mészáros, M. (1986): Tisza water, as irrigation water, polluted with various compounds. – Tiscia 21, 25-29.
Abstract. One of the greatest problems in our times is environmental protection, which affects agricultural and horticultural plant cultivation in a complex manner. The compounds getting into the river and canal waters are harmful to the plants in various ways by means of watering.
Komendar, V. I. and Szabados, V. I. (1986): On ecology and some biological features of Leucojum aestivum L. in floodeed oaklands of Transcarpathia. – Tiscia 21, 31-38.
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Fodor, S. S. and Jancó, L. I. (1986): Helianthus decapetalus L. in the Tisza river basin. – Tiscia 21, 39-44.
Gajin, S., Petrovic, O., Gantar, M. and Matavulj, M. (1986): Microbiological examination of the Carska bara swamp water. – Tiscia 21, 45-53.
Abstract. Microbiological examinations of the Carska bara swamp water performed from the middle of the 1981 to middle of the 1984. They included the total count of bacterioplankton by means of direct method, and the count of heterotrophic bacteria by means of cultivation methods. Electron microscopic examinations of plankton and attached forms of bacteria were done in order to get more complete pattern of microbe populations of the investigated ecosystem.
The results of examination of bacterioplankton occurence in Carska bara swamp water show the significant fluctuations but not strictly sesonaly dependent. Between the count of bacteria and observed physico-chemical parameters in swamp water relatively low coefficients of correlation were found.
Gál, D. (1986): Die saisonalen Verändereungen des Zooplanktons im Altwasser der Theiss bei Tiszaalpár während der Jahre 1981-83. – Tiscia 21, 55-67.
Abstract. Anhand von allmonatlichen Materialsammlungen haben wir während der Jahre 1981-1983 die saisonalen quantiativen und qualitativen Veränderungen des Zooplanktons (Testacea, Rotatoria, Entomostraca) verfolgt.
Auch für das Altwasser der Theiss ist - Wie für die meisten lebenden Gewässer überhaupt - charakteristisch, dass in der quantitativen Verteilung des Zooplanktons im Laufe des Jahres gewohnlich zwei Maxima erscheinen, das eine im Mai (mit etwa 60000 Ind/10 Liter) und ein kleineres im September (mit rund 48000 Ind/10 Liter). Die Verringerung der Gesamtindividuenzahl im Sommer kommt gewöhnlich dann zustande, wenn die Temperatur des Altwassers anhaltend über ca. 25 °C steigt. Bei dieser höheren Temperatur seztz eine intensive Zersetzung der im Altwasser reichlich vorhandenen organischen Substanzen ein, was meistens mit der Entstehung grosser Mengen Schwefwlwasserstoff und Methan einhergeht, die sich auf die Mitglieder des Zooplanktons toxisch auswirken. Eine Folge davon ist auch, dass die saprobiologische Qualität der Altwässer gerade in den Sommermonaten, wenn sie auch von Badenden aufgesucht werden, am ungüstigsten ist; der Saprobitätsindex des Wassers erreicht aufgrund des Zooplanktons oft Werte bis zu 2,9. Im Sommer dominieren die Alphaemosaproben Organismen und sogar auch die polysaproben Organismen erscheinen in immer grösserer Zahl.
Pujin, V., Ratajac, R. and Djukic, N. (1986): Ein Beitrag zur limnologischen Untersuchungen der Carska bara. – Tiscia 21, 69-80.
Abstract. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Untersuchungen wurden in Zeitraum 1982-1984 Zusammensetzung und Dynamik von Zooplankton und Mikrofauna, sowie Bodenfauna in Carska bara, in diesem teilweise beschützten Naturreservat, geprüft. Im Laufe von diesem Forschungen wurden auch ökologische Grundfaktoren: Temperatur, Sauersoffgehalt und pH, welche zusammen mit Wasserstandschwankungen sehr variieren, geprüft. In der Zooplankton und Mikrofaunazusammensetzung waren Rotatoria, Cladocera und Copepoda verteten. Mit Rücksicht auf die unbedeutende Tiefe, sowie auf Bewachsen dieses stehenden Gewässers, meldenten sich bei den Proben sowohl Planktonformen, als auch Phythal- und Benthalbewohner. Obwohl das Artenverzeichnis ziemlich lang ist, kann es nicht als endgültig betrachten werden, besonders mit Rücksicht darauf, dass es sich um die ersten Forschungen dieser Art in diesem Ökosystem handelt. Die Zahl von Zooplankton- und Mikrofaunaarten variierte nach Saison und Jahr. Es wurde insgesamt 130 Arten und Formen festegestellt. Die höhste Zahl wurde im Jahre 1984 (108) notiert, die niedrigste 1983 (84). Im zweitgenannten Jahre im Monat August, wegen des ausgesprochen niedrigen Wasserstandes, war Carska bara fast ganz trocken, und so blieben viele Sommerarten aus. Saisonmessige Schwankungen von Artenzahl ist ebenfalls evident. Die groste Artenzahl melden sich im Frühjahr und Sommer, und die niedrigsten im Winter. In allen Aspekten dominieren die Radertiere, und dann kommen die Protozoen. In der Wintermonaten ist die Protozoenbeteiligung grosser als in der Sommer. In gewissen Jahren sind sie vorherrschend. Die quantitative Zooplankton- und Mikrofaunazusammensetzung schwankte ebenfalls je nach Jahr und Saison. In allen Jahren in denen Erforschung unternommen wurde, wurde das Maximum im Frühjahr festgestellt. In der Bodenfauna waren nur Chironomiden und Oligochaeten vertreten. Von Oligochaeten war nur eine Familie, Tubificidae, mit einigen Arten der Gattungen Tubifex, Limnodrilus, Potamothrix, Psammoryctes und Pelosolex festgestellt. Chironomiden kamen nur im Jahre 1984 vor. Die quantitative Vertretung der Bodenfauna schwankte sehr, von 0 bis 17227 Ind/m2.
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Lantos, G. (1986): Data to the Amphipoda and Isopoda fauna of Tőserdő and its environs in the Tisza valley I. Amphipoda, Asellota (Crustacea, Peracarida). – Tiscia 21, 81-87.
Abstract. The studied areas are located in the district of Lakitelek, Tiszaalpár and Bokros. Two Amphipoda and I Asellota species were found at the study areas of five biocenoses in the Summer aspect of 1983 and 1984: Synurella ambulans FR. Müller, Niphorgus mediodanubialis Dudich; Asellus aquaticus (L.) Racov. All three species occur together and rather frequently in Hungary. The N. mediodanubialis is somewhat rarer than the other two. In differing ratio according to species, polyphagy is characteristic of all three species. At the same time, they are also significant as the aliment of organisms of higher order.
Kovács, S. T. (1986): Data to the knowledge on the Lepidoptera fauna at Bodrogzug. – Tiscia 21, 89-94.
Abstract. Author presents data to the knowledge on the lepidoptera fauna at Bodrgzug, collected at the Bodrog delta in the Summer aspects. For the evaluation, as a base for comparison, a review is given in respect to the more important dominance values of two light-traps alongside the Tisza river, and a list is presented of the collected 108 species, their classification according to foster-plant types, as well as a picture of the Hypellodes orientalis Staudinger.
Maletin, S. and Budakov, Lj. (1986): Growth and fecundity of Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, 1783 in Mrtva Tisza. – Tiscia 21, 95-109.
Abstract. The growth and the fecundity of the Carassius auratus gibelio in Mrtva Tisza, the former meander, cutoff at land reclamation from the main flow of the Tisza river have been analyzed. The material has been gathered within 1983 and 1984. The absolute growth is higher with the 1984 specimens, but the relative growth shows the equal growth tempo. Comparing this spedmen with the specimens from theTisza, Szava and Danube rivers, Palic Lake, west Siberia and Moscow Lake District waters, the specimen from Mrtva Tisca has shown the higher growth tempo, while compared with the specimen from Kazakstan and Semipalatinsk District the growth tempo is lower. The speed and the constant growth in Mrtva Tisza during tested period have shown the uniform decrease. The absolute fecundity has shown the tendency of increase with the body mass increase, standard length and age. The relative fecundity has shown the lower dependence compared with these three biological parametres. The average values for the absolute and the relative fecundity of the separate categories according to the body mass, length, and age of the specimens from Mrtva Tisza have had the higher values from the values in the mentioned literature, due to the more favourite ecological conditions, but first of all due to the nourishement.
Legány, A. (1986): Ornithological investigations at the area of the Kisköre water basin (Tisza II). – Tiscia 21, 105-116.
Abstract. Author studied the bird-stock at the Tisza-II. water basin bordered by the areas of Tiszafüred-Porosziló-Kisköre-Abádszalók, comparing it with the earlier conditions.
The data were collected at selected points of the livingplaces characteristic to the area - brushwood, remainder forest patches, fishing ponds, marsh, meadow, reed border alongside the bank and mud island - in order to appropriately represent the ornithofauna of the biotop. In such manner the quantitative and qualitative relations of the nesting communities could be determined wihch are well demonstrated by the Tables amidst the text.
The study also threw light on the fact that according to ornithological viewpoint the area is not only important as nesting place, but is significant as alimentary biotop, too. Regarding the predictable changes, certain enrichment is expectable in the nesting communities of the forest, while at the rest of tbe area major fauna-development cannot be expected due to the increasing interfering effects.
Molnár, Gy. (1986): Data to the phenology of starling (Sturnus v. vulgaris L. 1758). – Tiscia 21, 117-122.
Abstract. Author summarizes his observations related to the migration of starlings at tbe Southern basin of the Tisza river between 1958-1982. Data are presented on their over-wintering, winter alimentation and a report is given of the regional mean value of the starlings arriving to the environs of Szeged as well as the time of arrival of the native nesting birds, which corresponds to the Lübeck mean value ("semicircular migration"). Analysis is given of their mingling with other species during migration, occurring only with five Limicola species. This points to the fact that the starlings mostly feed at moist meadows during migration. The staying of a hatching starling pair near a nesting hollow prior to nesting is demonstrated on a figure. The migration still continues at the beginning of the hatching period.
Albert, A. and Wollemann, M. (1986): Spectrogram and oscillogram comparative analysis of night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax L.) advertising call. – Tiscia 21, 123-127.
Abstract. The gargling, advertising call of the night heron was analysed by two different physical methods: spectrogram and oscillogram analysis. Similar parameters of frequencies were obtained and calculated by the two methods. No regular intensity changes were observed in the oscillogram.
The clusterlike occurence of the call was demonstrated and beside advertising a group coherent function was proposed.