Content of the Volume 26.
Harka, Á.: Changes in the growth of pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in the area of Lake-Tisza.
Ratajac, R.: The structure and dynamics of Cladocera in the Yugoslavian section of the river Tisza.
Schmidt, A.: A second discovery of Scenedesmus grahneisii (Heynig) Fott in Hungary.
Popovic, E., Simic, S. and Tallósi, B. (1992) Food analysis of some Rana species in the habitat of Carska Bara (YU). - TISCIA 26, 1- 3.
Abstract. The analysis of stomach content was done for following species: Rana kl. esculenta L., R. lessonae Camerano and R. ridibunda Pallas. It was found that these species feed on different groups of invertebrates (Crustacea, Arachnida, Insecta, Myriapoda, Gastropoda and Bivalvia). Quantitative and qualitative composition of food shows that insects are predominant.
Keywords: Carska bara (YU), feeding, Rana species
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Simic, S., Tallósi, B. and Popovic, E. (1992): Seasonal changes in feeding of Rana ridibunda Pallas (Amphibia Anura) from Backwater Tisza. - TISCIA 26, 5-7.
Abstract. Rana ridibunda Pallas is dominant frog species in the area of Biser island. Qualitative and quantitative composition of food of this species was investigated during 1990. Insects far outreached other present groups (Gastropoda, Crustacea, Aranea and Chilopoda) with 74.9%. Among insects, dominate species were from orders Diptera and Coleoptera.
Keywords: Backwater Tisza (Yugoslavia), food, Rana ridibunda
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Harka, Á. (1992) Changes in the growth of pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca) in the area of Lake-Tisza. - TISCIA 26,9-12.
Abstract. The storage lake of the river Tisza was established in 1978 near Kisköre. From the growth analysis of pike perch living in the lake it is concluded that the growth rate of body weight decreased after swelling up the water. Longitudinal growth of pike perch, however, increased in time, and as a consequence, average body length of individuals over 3 years is greater than was earlier. Longitudinal growth is more important than the growth rate of weight, that is why the growth of pike perch is recently a little more favourable, than was before the establishment of storage lake, but it can be qualified as moderate compared with other rivers and ponds.
Keywords: age, body length, body weight, Bertalanffy-model
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Maletin, S., Djukic, N. and Kostic, D. (1992) Fecundity of phytophil fish species in Backwater Tisza (Biser island). - TISCIA 26,13-24.
Abstract. Potential fecundity was investigated in three typical phytophil fish species (Scadinius erythophthalmus, Carassius carassius and Carassius auratus) and in a phytolithophil one (Rutilus rutilus) in Backwater Tisza during 1985-1987 period. The relationship between gonadal weight, absolute and relative fecundity in comparison to body weight, standard length and age were examined by linear regression y=ax+b, and were estimated by coefficient of correlation r, significance of which was tested at p<0.01 and p<0.05. It is noted that absolute fecundity and gonadal weight intensively enlarge with increase of basic biological parameters, and level of this relationship was confirmed by highly significant correlation. Relative fecundity shows weaker dependency on parameters analyzed, and stronger connection usually occurs in comparison to standard length. Absolute and relative fecundity values are within optimal range in all examined species.
Keywords: crucian and prussian carp, roach, rudd, Tisza backwater
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Maletin, S., Djukic, N. and Miljanovic, B. (1992) Heavy metal content in fish from Backwater Tisza (Biser island). - TISCIA 26, 25-28.
Abstract. Concentration of 8 heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb) and that of Al were analyzed in certain tissues and organs (gills, liver, spleen, kidney, gonads and muscles) in 7 fish species with different habitats and nutrition types (Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus, Abramis brama, Lepomis gibosus, Stizostedion lucioperca, Esox lucius and Silurus glanis) caught by electroagregate during 1991. High bioaccumulation of Zn was found in gills and anex glands of benthivores, while in predators high amount of Al was found in gonads. Concentration of Fe is constantly high in most organs in fish investigated. Other heavy metals were found in considerably lower amounts.
Keywords: accumulation, benthivores, freshwater, piscivores.
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Butorac, B. and Stojsic. V. (1992) The results of preliminary investigations of aquatic vegetation in the Regional Park Stari Begej. - TISCIA 26, 29-36.
Abstract. Complex data about the flora and vegetation of the Regional park "Stari Begej" are not existing in botanical literature. Fragmentary elaborations are only on vegetation of Carska bara, Vojtina mlaka and Mala bara (Gigov and Djerfi, 1960). According to these authors, aquatic macrophytes form three communities of the alliance Potamion (Potamogetonion) W. Koch 26 emend. Oberd. 57 of the order Potametalia W. Koch 26 and class Potametea Tx. et Prag. 42 in these marshes. The latest investigations of Carska bara, Vojtina mlaka including the riverbed of Stari Begej and the low parts of zone flooded by it indicate, that in the Regional park "Stari Begej" developed are also formations of smallest flowering plants: Wolffia arrhiza, Lemna minor, Lemna trisulca, Spirodela polyrrhiza and others. Formations of association alliance Lemnion minoris W. Koch et Tx. ex. Oberd. 57 of the order Lemnetalia W. Koch et Tx. ex Oberd 57 and class Lemnetea W. Koch et Tx. ex Oberd. 57 are in question.
Keywords: backwater, community composition, duckweed.
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Butorac, B., Stojanovic, S. and Stojsic, V. (1992) Specificities in the vegetation of unprotected band of river Tisza. - TISCIA 26, 37-41.
Abstract. This paper contains data obtained by following the changes in floristic composition of the association Thymo- Chrysopogonetum grylli Stojanovic (1981) 1983 (subass. stipetosum capillatae) on the slopes and the clefts of Titel plateau, near river Tisza. Five new species were found in the structure of this steppe phytocenosis. Two of them were found for the first time on Titel plateau: Prunus tenella, which exists only on a few localities in Vojvodina and east Serbia, and Ornithogalum refractum, which is spread in Serbia, but was recorded in Vojvodina only in three localities. In this paper, new data are given about two forms of low iris: Iris pumila . Our examinations point out to wider spreading of Adonis vernalis, Vinca herbacea, Iris pumila f. pumila and f. lutea in the flora of Titel plateau and their high density within the alleged association. These results complete the review of floristic composition of the association Thymo-Chrysopogonetum grylli, indicate the habitat's synecological conditions and are important because all species, except of Ornithogalum refractum, are protected as natural rarities and are on the list for Red data book of the flora in Serbia.
Keywords: flora, Red book, Titel plateau, vegetation
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Gajin, S., Gantar, M., Matavulj, M., Petrovic, O., Obreht, Z., Radnovic, D. and Budakov, Lj. (1992) Microbiological indicators of the water quality of Backwater Tisza with special reference to the oligotrofic microflora. - TISCIA 26, 43-48.
Abstract. Samples for microbiological water analysis of the Mrtva Tisza (the backwater of the river Tisza) were taken every two months during the period from November 1987 to September 1990. During these investigations we estimated the total number of bacterioplankton, number of heterotrophic and facultatively oligotrophic bacteria, and enzymatic (phosphatase) activity of water. The classification of waters was carried out on the basis of number of heterotrophs, T/H index and enzyme activity of water. In addition, the morphology of oligotrophic bacteria were investigated by electron microscopy. The obtained results revealed that water quality of the Backwater Tisza ranges from moderately polluted to fully polluted waters (II-III class). The dominant part of bacterioflora was the population of oligotrophic bacteria. Electron microscopy showed that the morphology of bacteria was effected by the concentration of nutrients in the media.
Keywords: facultative oligotrophs, microbial indicators, organic load,
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Pujin, V. (1992) Comparative data on the composition of zooplankton in the part of the river Danube and the river Tisza in Vojvodina (Yugoslavia). - TISCIA 26, 49-57.
Abstract. In the period 1987-1989 comparative examinations were conducted on the composition of zooplankton in Danube and Tisza on several localities. In the composition of zooplankton of these two rivers, a total number of 187 species and varieties were ascertained, out of which 31 Protozoa, 119 Rotatoria, 26 Cladocera and 11 Copepoda. The number of species in Danube was higher than the number of species ascertained in Tisza and we also observed differences depending on locality, that could be attributed to a great extent to the antropogenic influences. Rotatoria represent in both water currents the most diverse group, where most emphasized are genera Brachionus, Keratella, Cephalodella, Colurella, Lecane and Trichocera. On the basis of similarity index according to Sírensen (1948), the dendrograms show two complexes, one in Danube and the other in Tisza, which are linked through a locality downstream from the mouth of Tisza into Danube. The saprobity index according to Pantle and Buck (1955) in Danube, through all three years, indicates a betamesosaprobic pollution stage, while in Tisza in most cases a betaalfamesosaprobity.
Keywords: Antropogenic influence, clustering method, dendrogram, saprobity
index, Sírensen similarity index
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Ratajac, R. (1992) The structure and dynamics of Cladocera in the Yugoslavian section of the river Tisza. - TISCIA 26, 59-61.
Abstract. The structure of Cladocera fauna was investigated in the period 1981-1988 at five localities of Tisza from the Hungarian border up to its mouth into Danube in seasonal intervals. In the investigated period, a total number of 22 Cladocera species were ascertained. With regard to qualitative structure and number of species, differences were noticed between seasons and particular years investigated. When seasonal variations are in question, the lowest number of species was found in winter, than in spring and summer, while the highest number was observed in autumn. The number of species was the highest during summer only in the years 1982 and 1988. Alona quadrangularis, Bosmina longirostris, Chydorus sphaericus and Moina micrura species were present in all seasons. Diaphanosoma brachyurum had the highest frequency in the warmer period of the year. Other species appeared in small number of samples and as individual samples. The highest number of species was recorded in the year 1983 (13), and the lowest in the years 1981 and 1985 (7).
Keywords: annual variation, Cladocera, community structure, seasonal
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Schmidt, A. (1992) A second discovery of Scenedesmus grahneisii (Heynig) Fott in Hungary. - TISCIA 26, 63-65.
Abstract. This paper presents environmental and water chemical data from the second Hungarian discovery of the chlorococcal alga, Scenedesmus grahneisii (Heynig) Fott. Dimensions and morphological characteristics of the cells and coenobia are the same, as given in the literature.
Keywords: Didymocystis, distribution, Scenedesmus, taxonomy, water quality.
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