Content of the Volume 36.
Wilhelm, S.: Nutrition of the mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum) in the basin of the Ér river.
Minca, E. L., Petz, K. and Werners, S.: An ecosystem services approach in the Tisza River Basin.
Márton, J. (2007): Rotifers of the most polluted part of backwater „Gyálai-Holt-Tisza”, compared to the neighbouring site’s fauna. – Tiscia 36, 3-6.
Abstract. The investigation was about the Rotatoria fauna of the most polluted pool of Gyálai-Holt-Tisza, the „Fekete-víz”. The aim was to find the most important factors that form the rotifer fauna at this pool. Sampling took place between April and October, 2005, in 4 periods. Five sampling sites were set out, 4 of them were at „Fekete-víz”, and the fifth at the neighbouring pool, „Fehér-part”, which served as a control site, as the earlier investigations showed the differences between them. Thirty-one Rotatoria-taxa were identified (20 species, 10 genera and a class). During the last examination (Rédei 2002) only 11 species were found. PCA and cluster-analysis distinguished the samples of the periods, which means seasonality, but 4 of the 5 sampling sites overlapped, and one partly overlapped, which means that spatial differentiation occurred only at one site. Rotifers reached peak in density in the summer, while in the autumn period there were almost no individuals in the 3 sites between „Hattyasi átjáró” and the sluice of „Fehér-parti átjáró”. No correlation was found between the measured water parameters and the number of rotifers. The opened or closed state of the sluice of „Fehér-parti átjáró” seems to be the most important factor to influence the fauna: during opened periods large number of rotifers flow into the pool. After closing, the number decreases fast due to the water quality (toxicity of the thermal inflow, low dissolved oxygen content) or some invertebrate predators. The exception was the site farthest from the sluice, where specific dynamics were discovered, with no or little influence of the sluice. The investigations showed that the water of „Fekete-víz” between the sluice and „Hattyasi átjáró” is as heavily polluted that rotifers cannot survive in it without refreshing the water.
disturbed water, species composition, species dynamics, salt
Zalatnai, M., Körmöczi, L. and Tóth, T. (2007): Community boundaries and edaphic factors in saline-sodic grassland communities along an elevation gradient. – Tiscia 36, 7-15.
Abstract. In the characteristic saline-sodic grassland of Miklapuszta a 15 m transect with 30 cm elevation difference was delineated. After the survey of 150×6 micro-quadrates and soil sampling in each 10 cm interval, the vegetation boundaries and soil-plant relationships were studied with moving split window (MSW) and correlation techniques.
Our objective was to test how precisely can the visible boundaries of the community patches distinguished during field observation coincide with the boundaries determined by MSW from the vegetation and soil data. Data showed that the best coincidence of the boundaries was in the depression, the most saline and sodic part of the transect. The interpreation of the data supported the hypothesis, that the higher the soil salinity and sodicity, the better is the coincidence of the vegetation and soil section boundaries.
Keywords: moving split window, environmental gradient, soil
parameters, solonchak-solonetzic soil
Seress, G., Szabó, K. Nagy, D., Liker, A. and Pénzes, Zs. (2007): Extra-pair paternity of Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in a semi-urban population. – Tiscia 36, 17-21.
Abstract. The level of extra-pair paternity (EPP) of birds is investigated in a great number of studies, revealing high variance in this trait among bird species. EPP in the House Sparrow, Passer domesticus has been also reported by many authors but there are much less data on the promiscuous behaviour of the closely related Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus. In this paper we tested whether microsatellite markers developed for House Sparrows are suitable for determining the level of EPP in a Tree Sparrow population. Three of seven candidate loci (Pdo3, Pdo5 and Pdo9) showed appropriate level of polymorphism and were used in the paternity analyses. We found that 9.2% of the chicks (76/7) were sired by extra-pair mates and 21.05% (19/4) of the broods contained at least one extra-pair young (EPY).
Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus), extra-pair paternity,
Wilhelm, S. (2007): Nutrition of the mudminnow (Umbra krameri Walbaum) in the basin of the Ér river. – Tiscia 36, 23-28.
Abstract. The study of nutrition of the mudminnow in the Ér River was performed by counting, determining and measuring the organisms found in the alimentary canal of 260 specimen, which were of different age, sex and were gathered at different date. The results were compared with literature data. It was found that the mud minnow feeds on tiny animals, mainly on the Diptera larvae. No signs of predatory behaviour were observed. It was found that the nutrition of the populations living in different territories differs significantly, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of the food is determined by the distribution of the nutrient organisms in the environment.
nutrition, composition of food, fullness index, saturation of
the stomach
Ozkan, N. and Camur-Elipek, B. (2007): Relationships between chironomid communities (Diptera: Chironomidae) and environmental parameters in Sazlidere stream (Turkish Thrace). – Tiscia 36, 29-34.
Abstract. In this study, Sazlidere stream in European part of Turkey was studied from September 1995 to August 1996 to identify chironomid larvae present, determine physicochemical properties of the water, and describe the relationships between species composition of the chironomid communities and environmental parameters. Samplings were made monthly at four different stations of the stream. A total of 57 chironomid taxa was identified and 421 individuals per m2 were recorded in average. Also, the structure of sediment in each station was revealed to determine the substratum preference of the larvae.
Although chironomids have broad ecological tolerance, it was found only one species, Procladius (Holotanypus) sp., in station 3. which was determined by the most polluted locality. Results were also supported statistically by Shannon diversity index. Species diversity for chironomid larvae was found to be the highest at 2. station and substratum with mud/detritus had the highest diversity, too.
According to Bray-Curtis index, it was found that stations 1. and 2., seasons spring and winter are the most similar to each other for larval chironomid communities, both in terms of number of species and number of individuals.
Furthermore, Spearman correlation index indicated that the stronger relationships between the distribution of larval chironomid individuals and some environmental variables such as water temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD, and NO2-1-N.
words: Chironomidae larvae, Species diversity, Sazlidere Stream,
Turkish Thrace
Minca, E. L., Petz, K. and Werners, S. (2007): An ecosystem services approach in the Tisza River Basin. — Tiscia 36, 35-40
Abstract. The Tisza River Basin in Hungary and Romania is increasingly impacted by floods and droughts. Ecosystems have the capacity to mitigate the effect of these weather extremes. The provision of ecosystem services – the benefits people obtain from ecosystems – is strongly affected by the way in which ecosystems are managed. This research assesses the influence of land and water management and weather extremes on ecosystems services as well as their importance in the Tisza River Basin. It is concluded that current water management impairs the natural capacity of ecosystems to fully provide their services, especially the water regulation, natural hazard regulation and water purification. For years water management has favoured wetland drainage and cutting river arms, ignoring ecosystem services. Recently some of the water and land management initiatives – in particular in Hungary – aim to capitalize on the potential of ecosystems to regulate floods and droughts.
ecosystem services; integrated assessment; water and land