Content of the Volume 37.
Harka, Á.: Pisces Hungarici III.
Kanizsai, O., Gallé, R. and Gallé, L. (2009): Perception of spatial patchiness by ant assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Tiscia 37, 3-7
Abstract. The composition of ant assemblages was studied in a sandy grassland in the Kiskunság National Park, Middle Hungary. Ants were sampled with pitfall traps arranged in groups of five at 22 sites. Traps worked from March to November, 2007. The ants represented more than 81 % of the ground-dwelling fauna (104 668 ants out of 130 112 invertebrate specimens). The rank-abundance function of the populations from the whole area fits well the geometric series (psame = 0.99, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). We could distinguish three groups of species by NMDS ordination: those living on sand dunes, in the deeper moister wind-furrows and pasture, respectively. The average Bray-Curtis similarity of ant assemblages between the sample plots was 0.30, which is significantly smaller than the corresponding null model, whereas the CV of similarities was 0.89, greater than the null model. These figures show that the ants are sensitive indicators of the habitat patchiness and the sample plots are well grouped in the indication by ants. We observed significant correlation of the ants with vegetation architecture and the composition of soil dwelling fauna. The results of the multiple linear correlation revealed that the individual populations differently react to the potential environmental variables.
Keywords: ants,
sand-dune grassland, environmental heterogeneity, ecological
Pisces Hungarici III
Published by the Hungarian Ichthyological Society, edited by Ákos Harka,
format: B5, number of pages: 182, year of publication: 2009
The third volume of the occasional papers of the Hungarian Ichthyological Society was printed in November 2009. It mainly contains the presentations of the 3rd Hungarian Ichthyological Conference held in September 2009 in the form of Hungarian-language papers with English summaries.
Wilhelm Sándor: In memoriam Petru Bănărescu
Elek Balázs: The criminal aspects of poaching
Szepesi Zsolt, Harka Ákos: Fish fauna of the Kis-Sajó watercourse
Keresztessy Katalin, Beliczky Gábor, Kiss Gergő: Data to the Fish Fauna of the Mura River at Letenye
Harka Ákos, Szepesi Zsolt, Nagy Lajos: Faunal survey on the fish community of Marcal River
Poór Ádám, Fazekas Gergely, Juhász Lajos: Datas from Fish community of Belfő-canal
Györe Károly, Józsa Vilmos: Changes of the distribution patterns of zingel (Zingel zingel) and streber (Z. streber) in the upper Hungarian reach of River Tisza as a result of a cyanide pollution of Romanian origin
Halasi-Kovács Béla, Erős Tibor, Harka Ákos, Nagy Sándor Alex, Sallai Zoltán, Tóthmérész Béla: Fish-assemblage-based ecological classification of Hungarian rivers
Harka Ákos, Csipkés Roland: Data to the fish fauna of the River Bodrog
Sallai Zoltán, Györe Károly, Halasi-Kovács Béla: The fish fauna of fhe Hungarian part of Lake Fertő according to the literature data and our investigations (2003-2008)
Harka Ákos, Lengyel Zoltán, Sály Péter: Data of the first-year growth of the fish fry in the littoral zone of the Tisza Lake
Antal László, Csipkés Roland, Müller Zoltán: A fish stock survey on a few water bodies of the Kis-Balaton area
Wilhelm Sándor, Györe Károly, Ardelean Gavril: Survey of fish community in the Zazár (Săsar) River
Demény Ferenc, Zöldi Lajos Gergely, Deli Zsolt, Fazekas Gergely, Urbányi Béla, Müller Tamás: Artificial propagation and rearing of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) in the interest of natural stock maintenance
Weiperth András, Ferincz Árpád, Staszny Ádám, Paulovits Gábor, Keresztessy Katalin: Occurrence and population dynamics of protected fish species in streams of the Tapolca basin
Sály Péter, Erős Tibor, Takács Péter, Kiss István, Bíró Péter: Fish assemblage types and their character species of small watercourses on the water basin of Lake Balaton: habitat type indicators and species assemblage indicators
Horváth Jenő, Palkó Csaba: The effects of the rehabilitation works on the fish population in the Láhn-stream in the western region of Hungary
Szepesi Zsolt, Harka Ákos: The effect of the yearly gradation of ide (Leuciscus idus) in 2005 on the fish communities of streams
Mozsár Attila, Antal László, Lövei Gabriella Zsuzsanna: The fish fauna of backwaters situated in the Tiszavalk basin of Lake Tisza and the evaluation of the natural conservation value
Harka Ákos, Szepesi Zsolt: Investigation on the fish fauna of the right-side tributaries of Hernád River
Correction to the paper entitled The system of faunacomponents conception and its application to qualify the degree of naturalness of fish assemblages (Sály P.: Pisces Hungarici 1. 93-101.)
For information on the availability of the volume, please contact the Hungarian Ichthyological Society (