Content of the Volume 27.
Margóczi, K.: Comparative analysis of successional stages of sandy vegetation - a case study.
Paraschivescu, D.: Ecological studies on ants and their commensal insects.
Tóthmérész, B.: DivOrd 1.50: A Program for Diversity Ordering.
Margóczi, K. (1993): Comparative analysis of successional stages of sandy vegetation - a case study. - TISCIA 27, 3-8.
Abstract. The vegetation of seven selected sites, representing different stages of primary succession, is analyzed in order to establish a feasible successional scheme, and to compare the traditional successional pathways and the pathway suggested by the multivariate methods. The ordination of micro-scale coenological relevés suggests a more or less linear successional sequence of studied stands corresponding with the traditional theory. Five typical patches were identified in each stand by classification in order to represent the internal variability of the vegetation. Ordination of these typical patches on the basis of species frequencies shows, that the primary dynamic of the sand vegetation is more complex. The linear successional sequence of studied stands is unlikely, different transitions between stages are equiprobable, and the graph structure of series is rather reticular. Three groups of stands were identified by diversity ordering: (i) an initial, open grassland type with low diversity; (ii) a grassland with medium diversity ; the forest herb layer also belongs to this category; (iii) the most diverse, closed grassland, and the shrubby habitat. Diversity profiles of these groups were clearly separated. The methods employed differentiate the vegetation of the studied stands according to their species composition, diversity and complexity, but the established sequence does not neces sarily reflect to the real historical development of the stands in question.
Keywords: sandy vegetation, succession, multivariate methods, diversity
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Járdán, Cs., Gallé, L. and Margóczi, K.(1993): Ant assemblage composition in a successional Hungarian sand dune area. - TISCIA, 27, 9-15.
Abstract. In the frame of a project dealing with the succession of ant communities in sand dune areas of different geographical regions in Europe, in Kéleshalom sandy area (southern Hungary) eight study plots, representing different successional stages of vegetation, were selected for de tailed sampling program. PCA analysis of the ant assemblages of study plots shows that the suc cession of the ant community composition follows two main pathways: one is typical to open ar eas, i.e. grasslands, the other is usually terminated in forests. Comparing the successional sequence of the study plots according to their ant assemblages, vegetation composition and epigeic fauna, it is established that the initial and final successional phases are the same in each case, but there are uncoordinated successional steps in the three assemblage types in the transitional stages. The diversity of ant assemblages increases along the successional gradients, but that of the vegetation and epigeic fauna has a maximum in a transitional phase. Microclimate, dead twigs on ground surface and vegetation architecture were identified as the main external correlates, which probably have certain role in structuring ant assemblages.
Key words: ant communities, primary succession, environmental correlates,
sand dunes
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Woyciechowski, M. (1993): Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the glades in the Tatra Mts. (the Carpathians). - TISCIA 27, 17-22.
Abstract. Fourteen species of ants have been found within the area of 23 glades in the Polish part of the Tatra Mts. The number of ant species and the density of nests are greater in sheep- grazed glades than in the other, non-grazed glades. The number of species is positively correlated with increasing altitude. Hitherto two ant species: Myrmica lobicornis and Formica picea have not been recorded from the Polish Tatra Mts. The preservation of Tatras glades, artificially cleared in natural forest, by moderate grazing seems to keep a greater variety of habitats and simultaneously greater diversity of ant species.
Key words: ant community, open habitat, glade utilization.
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Petrov, I. Z. (1993): Some remarks on the foraging strategy in Cataglyphis aenescens Nyl. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). - TISCIA 27, 23-28.
Abstract. The frequency of exits and entries, the maximal distance of foraging trips from the nest, as well as the foraging route shape of a marked ant, in the connection with the temperature of sand were observed twice in 1981. The number of exits of the marked ant was similar in both cases (12 and 10 times). The maximal distances were similar in both cases (10 m and 10.6 m). The marked ant spent similar time in the nest between two exits (on the average 20.25 min. and 25.3 min. respectively). There is a difference in the time spent out of the nest (13.94 min. and 21.6 min. respectively). The marked ant shows the site-fidelity, by running in the same direction chosen by the first exit.
Key words: ant foraging strategy, diurnal activity, Deliblatska pescara.
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Paraschivescu, D. (1993): Ecological studies on ants and their commensal insects. - TISCIA 27, 29-31.
Abstract. In Dobrudja (Roumania, South-West Europe) Atelura formicaria Heyder and A. pseudolepisma Grassi (Tisanura) were found in the nest of Messor structor Latr. Formica pratensis Retz. was proved to be the host species of Lepisma aurea Dufour (Tisanura) and Lomechusa strumosa F. (Coleoptera: Staphilinidae). Atropos formicaria Hagen (Psocoptera) was present in the nest of Lasius fuliginosus (Latr.). Experimental laboratory researches were carried out on behavioural and ecological aspects of the relations between M. structor and A. formicaria.
Key words: commensal insects.
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Tóthmérész, B. (1993): DivOrd 1.50: A Program for Diversity Ordering. - TISCIA 27,33-44.
Abstract. The methods of diversity ordering, based on diversity profiles, have been developed as an improvement on diversity comparisons based on numerical valued diversity indices. A community A is said to be more diverse than that of B when the curve of the diversity profile of A is above of B on the whole range of a scale parameter. A program, DivOrd, is presented to calculate and display the diversity profiles of communities. Eight methods are included in the package. Mathematical background of the methods is also discussed. New results about the diversity index families are presented concerning their relations and characteristic features. Their usefulness is also assessed and a guideline is presented how to use and interpret the results during ecological studies. Density dependent and density independent representations are proposed and the effect of spatial pattern is also stressed. Their relations towards the direct spatial series analysis are also mentioned. The program is written in Turbo Pascal and it is executable on any IBM compatible PC having 640 Kbyte memory or more and VGA, EGA or Hercules graphics card. The program is completely menu controlled.
Keywords one-parameter diversity index families, diversity profile,
diversity ordering, density dependent and density independent representations,
direct spatial series analysis
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Erdei, Zs. and Tóthmérész, B. (1993): MULTI-PATTERN 1.00. Program package to analyze and simulate community-wide patterns. - TISCIA 27, 45-48.
Abstract: MULTI-PATTERN is a program package developed for IBM-compatible PC's to simu late multi-species point patterns and to calculate direct and indirect spatial statistics for real and simulated point patterns. The program is entirely menu controlled. The program package is supported by detailed graphical display of the results.
Keywords: multispecies point patterns, direct and indirect spatial series
analysis, computerized sampling, simulation
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Djukic, N., Maletin, S. and Miljanovic, B. (1993): Oligochaeta community as indicator of eutrophication in lower stream of Tisza river. - TISCIA 27, 49-52.
Abstract. Analyses of Oligochaeta community in Backwater Tisza (during 1983-1991) and lower stream of Tisza river (from 1985 to 1991) established a rapid increase in number and biomass, especially for species which are indicators of eutrophic environment. According to relative abundance Backwater Tisza, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (up to 50 %) and Brachiura sowerbyi (13 %) were dominants. Average annual number of individuals ranged from 88.8 (in 1983) to 12,457 (in 1990) ind/ m2, and biomass from 0.3 to 29.15 g/ m2. The significant increase of population density in Tisza river was stated upstream from the dam which is a consequence of slowed flow and substrate enriched with organic compounds. Maximum number of individuals ranged up to 2,908 ind/m2 and biomass up to 10.21 g/m2 with Limnodrilus and Branchiura genera domination. Disturbed relationship in the structure of Oligochaeta community, rapid increase of individual number and biomass, and high share of eutrophic species indicate a rapid process of eutrophication in investigated waters.
Key word: backwater, river-bed, population, density, biomass.
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Budakov, L.(1993): Characteristics of feeding and growth of pike perch and pike in the protected part of Begej river. - TISCIA 27, 53-56.
Abstract. Material was collected through 1990 up to October 1991 in the regional park "Stari Begej" of Begej river. Altogether 80 specimens of pike perch and 94 specimens of pike were investigated. The aim of the study was the analysis of relationship between predators and prey concerning their growth and length. The age of pike was between 2+ and 6+ , and that of pike perch between 2+ and 5+. Age class 3+ was dominant in the case of both species. The values of body length increase are in the limits reported by Maletin and Budakov (1984), and Budakov (1989) as shown for both predators in Vojvodina rivers. Pike and pike perch have limited variation concerning feeding. Fish predominated their food, 4 and 6 fish species, respectively. The highest proportion is linked with Carassius auratus gibelio. Both species are on the list of serbian "Red book".
Key words: pike, pike perch, Stari Begej, feeding, growth.
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Brankovic, D. (1993): Preliminary data about the phytoplancton community and saprobiological characteristics of Stari Begej river. - Tiscia 27, 57-60.
Abstract. This paper contains results on preliminary examinations of phytoplancton comunity and saprobiological characteristics of the protected part of Stari Begej river, within the period from April to November 1990. 274 species, varieties and forms of Cyanophyta, Pyrrophyta, Xantophyta, Chrysophyta, Bacillariophyta, Euglenophyta and Chlorophyta were collected. The phytoplancton community was characterized by domination of Chlorophyta and a sporadic occurrence of Xantophyta. Density of phytoplancton community was changeable and varied from 4.8x103 ind/cm3 to 11.2x103 ind/dm3. Index of saprobity varied from 2.0 to 2.4 which corresponds to the beta-mesosaprobic (second category) waters.
Key words: Stari Begej, phytoplancton, bioindicators, saprobity.
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Mihály, A. V. and Komendar, V. I. (1993): The state of population of Crocus banaticus J. Gay in the Transcarpathian region of the Tisza valley. - TISCIA 27, 61-63.
Abstract. This paper presents the results of the investigation of a Crocus banaticus J. Gay population in the Transcarpathian territory of the Tisza valley. Data are given about range of distribution, phytocenotic thriven species, age structure of the population and seed production. Some data are also presented on the biology of the species, and certain aspects of generative reproduction of C. banaticus are analyzed. We give suggestions to the protection and re- establishment of natural area of this species in Carpathian region.
Key words: Iridaceae, Crocus banaticus, population biology, protection.
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