SZTE Ecology
Department of Ecology University of Szeged
SZTE Magyar

Research School Programme


The students of Katona József High School from Kecskemét visited our department again. This time, the birdlife around Móricgát was 'brought into focus' on September 10. They presented high-quality lectures documented with own photos. Once again, we would like to thank the students Gréta Gulyás, Dorottya Pethő, Fanni Borbély, Zsanett Zsámboki and Iván Abdelmagid, and of course their teacher, Gergely Halász, for a pleasant and useful morning. In addition to the Research School Programme of the University of Szeged, the 'Útravaló' Scholarship Programme of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) also supported their work and preparation (ID: UT-2020-0003).





The University of Szeged traditionally announces the Research School Programme every year. The Katona József High School in Kecskemét has already won this sponsorship several times, and on May 27 2019, the students of the high school (Szabina Pál, Levente Deák, Nataniel Noel Bozó, Tamás Losoncz and Péter Kohlrusz) led by their biology teacher Gergely Halász visited our department to present their results.

In addition to the Research School Programme of the University of Szeged, the 'Útravaló' Scholarship Programme of the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI) also supported their work and preparation (ID: UT-2018-0011).

The series of presentations showcased the bird species living in the abandoned farm world of Móriczgát and presented the basics of ecological relationships and food webs. The audience received important and interesting information about the history and ethnography of the farms and the impact of the abandonment of farms on wildlife.


We would like to thank for the high-quality, interesting and insightful presentations. We congratulate the students and their teacher, and wish them further success. For more information about the topic see below: