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The Maros/Mureş River Valley

Hamar, J. & Sárkány-Kiss, A. (eds): The Maros/Mureş River Valley. A study of the geography, hydrobiology and  ecology of the river and its environment. Szolnok - Szeged - Tîrgu Mureş, 1995.



“The river is present itself

If you touch it

You have encroached upon

The last drop of the past

And the first of the future.”


Leonardo da Vinci


The Maros/Mureş River with its 768-km length is the largest waterway in the Tisza River catchment area, and like the other rivers in the Carpathian Basin it is the lifeblood of the settlements, industrial and agricultural facilities in its valley. The ecological condition of these rivers and of their catchment area is economically important, but its value increases exponentially if we consider the natural values here, and their conservation. The rivers of the region connect the neighboring countries, making the environmental problems of these rivers international; the solutions must also be international, and cooperative.

Since 1991 Hungarian and Romanian non-governmental organizations (NGOs), by calling in experts from both countries, has started interdisciplinary research to assess the common river's environmental condition (see Appendix). The cooperating social organizations have aimed to create a database for public awareness and protection.

This book is the first published results of the cooperation between Tisza Klub and the Environmental Group of Liga Pro Europa. The information here may serve as a basis for future comparisons on the condition of the environment. It may also provide a foundation for NGOs to outline proposals for the organizations and agencies concerned.

We would like to offer our thanks to all who have helped us with our work: the generous support of other NGOs, media representatives, ministeries, universities, museums and research institutions in both countries made this project possible.

We would like to particularly express our thanks to the Hungarian Parliament, the Regional Environmental Center and the Council of Europe.

In the course of our work we have covered the Szamos/Someş in 1992, and in 1994 the Fekete and Fehér Körös/Crişul Negru and Alb. Next will be the Sebes Körös/Crişul Repede and the Berettyó/Berătău River, culminating with the Upper Tisza.


József Hamar
Tisza Klub, Szolnok, Hungary

Andrei Sárkány-Kiss
Liga Pro Europa, Environmental
Group, Romania







The geography of the River Maros (Mureş) and its river system
Soils of the flood plain of the Mureş (Maros) River
The flora and vegetation of the Mureş (Maros) valley
Data on the chemical composition of the Mureş (Maros) River
Physical and chemical characteristics of the Maros (Mureş) River
Study on organic micropollutants of the Maros (Mureş) River
Data on the estimation of the hygienic bacteriological condition of the Maros (Mureş) River
Algological studies of the Maros (Mureş) River
The protozoan plankton and their saprobity relations in the Maros (Mureş) River
Zooplankton investigation in a longitudinal section of the Maros (Mureş) River
Macrozoobenthos in the Maros (Mureş) River
Malacological survey on the Mureş (Maros) River
Snail assemblages of gallery forests between Lippa (lipova) and Makó
Fish of the Mureş (Maros) River: systematics and ecology
The birds of the Mureş (Maros) River
Muskrats (Ondatra zybethica L. 1766) in the Mureş (Maros) River Valley

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